So sad….

Wednesday, 25 June 2008 at 7:52 pm (Us)

LP gave me this link to follow and read and, in truth, the story had a very profound effect on me. It’s not long, but it is poignant… Afterward i was in tears for quite a lot longer than it took me to actually read it. i felt so sad.

Now, i have physical problems. Problems that my weight complicates and makes worse and sometimes i feel very sorry for myself. But reading about this lady who had nothing she could do to prevent the course of her disease and how it effected their relationship made me pause….and feel almost ashamed of myself. She had no control over what was happening in her body….but i do. Maybe there are some sypmtoms of my disease that will never fully go away, but i know from experience that with proper diet and exercise and taking weight off of my joints has made a very big difference before, and could again. If i take my medications the way i am supposed to and am mindful of caring for myself physically and otherwise i could be very much improved and be the woman i want to be for LP and for myself.

LP and i have talked the last couple of days and made some discoveries about our core relationship that have effected this D/s facet and we have begun to work toward a better understanding of each other. Sometime after She arrives next Monday we will be sitting down to talk face to face and really iron things out. We’ve already begun actually. i think that for the first time in a long time we have actually heard each other. Both of us have made certain guarantees and while i know it takes time to build trust i haven’t felt so positive about things in ages. It’s a really good sign.

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