i am done…sleep now?

Monday, 28 April 2008 at 8:15 pm (Randomness)

First off….major yay! LP got my router fixed! i got my new tower Friday and so i was able to get online, but the new computer refused to acknowledge the router or some such thing. i really don’t know, i am not very technically minded despite the fact that i did go to a computer training college for almost a year. …that promptly closed down just a few months after i finished. Second school to do that after i was finished with it…i am a jinx. i am also a jinx to anything electrical, hence the fact that i should not be allowed inside a computer. i know a few tricks and i can occasionally dance my way around fixing some little issues. But it’s best not to let me touch them at all. i swear though, this time it was not my fault…honest! LP got it all fixed today though, we think anyway. She still has to talk me through configuring the daughter’s laptop to work on our network. That had to be postponed until tomorrow because sick kids and trips to the ER were in order for today. Add to that the unwanted presence of the ex and it made for a very tiring day.

Before all the hospital drama ensued LP and i did have a little time online in which She had me give Her a detailed account of my playtime last night. The telling and reliving was nearly an inspiration in itself if there hadn’t been so much stress just a little bit later. (((( You haven’t said anything about pro-rating my quota for April, M’Lord….do i need to get busier?? *grins* ))))

i didn’t get to my WW meeting tonight because i barely made it home before it would have been time to leave. There was not time to feed the kids or anything and still make it. So hopefully the extenuating circumstances will mean i am not in too much trouble for missing it. i am thinking again that i might check out the Thursday morning meeting. Monday nights are just so busy.

i am tired and sleepy now. i think that now would be a good time to go snuggle down in my bed and drift off to imaginings of LP and all the fun i hope we will have when She returns in the summer.

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